Game Level/Stages & Game Assets

 Game Level/Stages

There are 5 Levels:

In all planets the player (main character) must defeat the enemies roaming in every stages. From the easy enemies to the boss level. In every stages also been giving a chance where the player can revive themselves whenever they failed to get to the end of level which is by getting the checkpoint that the player must find throughout their journey in the stage while also attacking different types of enemies that went their way.

Planet of Sweets

Planet of Jungle


Planet of Asteroids & Meteors


Planet of Aliens


Planet of Monsters (FINAL BOSS)


Game Assets

The main important object that the player need to goal is the coins, diamonds, box with a star shaped in the center that acts as the checkpoint whenever the player failed in between the level, treasure chest that needs to be opened with a key where there will be lots of coins in it, these objects player can find throughout the journey of the stage. Another permanent object that will be placed in the game, is the wooden arrow signs, which instructs the player where to go, the arrows are left, right, up and down.

Stage 1

Players can see how the planet look like here. These are the game assets for the stage candy, where can see many types pf objects been drawn. There are ice cream trees, lollipops trees, ice cream mountains, candy cane stick, lollipop stick and more. Player also can see how the landscape looks like and the ground texture for this stage. 

Stage 2

Player can see how the planet look like, in this case it’s the Planet of Jungle. The jungle planet consists of many objects can be found throughout the journey of the game. Here things such as the trees, texture of the ground, grass, rocks, and much more.

Stage 3

Player can see what the stage 3 planet looks like, in this case the Planet of Asteroids and Meteors. The objects can be found throughout the game journeys such as the meteors, asteroids, a robotic type of box for the enemy to pop up, the ground texture and more.

Stage 4

In this stage, the player can know what the Planet of Aliens look like. There are also many objects can be found throughout the journey of the game been played. The objects such as the weird looking type of trees and rocks, cute 3 types of mushroom, texture of the ground in the planet and more.

Stage 5

This is the final stage which is the Boss Level. The player can see how the planet of the Monsters looks like. The player can see what type of objects been put in the journey of this level. The objects such as the enormous rocks and stone, spiky stone from the ceiling, and the burning lavas underneath, the texture of the ground is made of cracked stones and much more.
