Print Media Graphics

1. Game Icon

This is how the application logo looks like when player downloaded the game. When the user or player clicks on the application the title page will appear.

2. Wireframe (Pages)

The game starts with an opening screen or title screen, with the big title of the game “Stuck In Space” and which also consists of buttons like the usual PLAY button, SETTINGS button. SHOP button, and LEADERBOARD button.

When the user or player clicks on the SETTINGS button from the opening screen, this page will appear.

The player can see the SETTINGS menu bar and it consists of the AUDIO where the player can turn it on or off before starting the game and also a MUSIC button where the player can turn it on or off if they didn’t want any music to be heard when playing the game. These two buttons, functions as if the player didn’t want any disturbance or want to focus while playing the game.

When the user or player clicks on the SHOP button from the opening screen, this page will appear.

The SHOP page contains functions such as when the player wanted to buy or purchase a new UFO ship or even customize it, they also can buy POWER UPS for the UFO ship, add more coins and diamonds. By this, the player has to collect coins and diamonds in order to purchase these things. How to get coins and diamonds? Simply by playing the game in any level.

When the user or player clicks on the LEADERBOARD button from the opening screen, this page will appear.

In the video gaming industry, the term leaderboard is frequently used to denote rank among players who enjoy character profiles. Players can be ranked against other players depending on the number of kills or achievements they have (the most common unit of measurement), the items they have collected, or some other metric. Overall, leaderboards can motivate players to improve by providing a feeling of pride or accomplishment to far too many. As the player can see here on the LEADERBOARD, it will show the player which rank are they on after playing the game. To achieve the player’s title to be in the LEADERBOARD, they must collect high score or even coins depending on how well they play the game.

 When the user or player finally clicks the PLAY button from the title screen of the game, this page will appear. This page is the LEVEL page.

The level page will tell the player which level they have to play. Here the player can see level 1 is unlocked which means they have to play that level first while the other levels are locked. The level will be unlocked if the player has completed that certain level.

When the player clicks on any level, this page will appear where the player can start playing the game.

There are only 3 commands/control:


(move forward, backward, up, and down)


(to avoid obstacles or enemies)


(the weapon shoots the enemies)

These 3 heart notified the player if they ran out of hearts. The red heart means that the player still have a chance to play or alive. The black heart means the player just lose a life or the UFO ship took damage from the enemies’ attack.

This bar notifies the player how much coins they have collected during the journey or gameplay of the level they are playing.

This bar notifies the player how much diamonds they have collected during the journey or gameplay of the level they are playing.

When the player clicks on the pause button during their gameplay, this page will appear. To go to this page, the player must click on the pause button on the right of the screen during the gameplay.

In the PAUSED page, players can see there are three types of buttons. The buttons are RESUME, RESTART and EXIT. The RESUME button is after you click on the PAUSED button and this page appear, it allows the player to continue their gameplay, the reason for the RESUME button is there is for the player to take their rest or time or simply to pause the game first. The RESTART button is for the player to play back or replay their gameplay, which then the gameplay will restart from the beginning of the game, the player may not be satisfied with their gameplay, so they decided to restart. Lastly the EXIT button, it allows the player to quit the game level completely during their gameplay, then when its clicked, it will go to the LEVEL page.

When the player finishes at the end of the game level, the screen then will show this COMPLETE page. The COMPLETED page shows the player how many high score they achieved, how many stars they got (the stars are checkpoints that the player must find during their gameplay, there are 3 checkpoints needed to complete the level). There are also two buttons, the HOME button, and the NEXT button. The HOME button would lead the player to the LEVEL page if the player decided to end their gameplay there. While the NEXT button allows the player to continue to the NEXT LEVEL. 

When the player failed to finish at the end of the game level, the screen then will show this FAILED page. The FAILED page shows the player how many high score they achieved so far and how many stars they got (the stars are checkpoints that the player must find during their gameplay, there are 3 checkpoints needed to complete the level). Since the player failed to collect the checkpoints, it is considered as game over for the player’s level gameplay. There are also two buttons, the HOME button, and the REPLAY button. The HOME button would lead the player to the LEVEL page if the player decided to end their gameplay there. While the REPLAY button allows the player to try and continue their level that they failed, this REPLAY button can give the player a chance to play the level again.
