The Styles of Digital Graphic Art Used

A digital graphic is an electronic image that can be used for a variety of purposes. The image does not really have to be used on electronic gadgets; it can also be printed and used.


Uses or Purpose of Digital Graphics

Text and images are combined in digital graphics to create a graphic product that can be used for a specific purpose. They can present an idea or a message in an eye-catching and effective way by combining writing and images. They can be printed or viewed on a computer screen. Although digital graphics can be used for a variety of purposes, people should focus on specific examples. These are taken from the media:

 CD, DVD or LP covers

The front of the packaging of a commercially released audio recording product, or album, is referred to as the album cover. The term can refer to either the printed cardboard covers commonly used to package sets of 10′′ and 12′′ 78 rpm records, single records, or the front-facing panel of a CD package, as well as, increasingly, the primary image accompanying a digital download of the album or of its individual tracks.

An artist generally produces artwork to convey a message, a mood, an emotion, or to make a social opinion. These projects are planned to obtain an emotional reaction from the audience. In contrast, a designer is associated with communication. Whatever the designer creates, it must be easily understood by the intended audience. It has a single meaning or intent. A prototype design, which clearly defines a project, is accompanied by the graphic artist. It could be for a poster, a website, a product, a logo, or something else. The client requires these projects to fulfill a purpose or function.

Magazines, Posters, Leaflets

Readers (potential customers) read magazines at their enjoyment and keep them for longer periods of time, giving your advertisement multiple opportunities to catch their attention. Magazines primarily serve consumers (by interest group, for example, women) and trade (industry/business type, for example, hospitality).

If the products must be displayed in color, glossy magazine advertisements can be ideal — though they are generally more expensive than newspaper advertisements.

Magazines do not typically serve a small geographic area, such as a specific town. Advertising may not be cost-effective if your target market represents a small percentage of the circulation.


The cover of a book makes the first impression on potential readers. As a result, one of the most important aspects of marketing a book is the design of the book cover. You will lose sales if the cover is poorly designed. As a result, when creating a book cover, one should think about hiring a professional book cover designer.

Important Roles of Book Cover Designs:

1.     Typography

It is defined as a printed matter's style or appearance, or simply the art of working with text to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. It’s everywhere people look in books, on websites, and even on street signs and product stickers in everyday life.

Because readers usually buy a book because they are familiar with, and trust, the name on its cover, the typography people choose for their book's title and author's name can grow to become a huge brand in the eyes of their readers. The typography technique must support both the title's message and the tone of the story itself.

Fonts can be casual, neutral, exotic, or graphic, which is why it is critical to consider your message and select the best font for it. A well-crafted text, on the other hand, can make the difference between an ordinary book cover and a best-selling one. Font explosions and other special styling should be avoided. Generally, no more than two fonts should be used on a cover.

2.     Cover Images

Cover images should function as teasers for the cover design rather than spoilers. A well-thought-out cover design conveys a lot about the book without revealing every detail. Cover images serve a purpose other than decoration. They pique readers' interest by telling the story of the book without requiring them to turn the first page.
Before they read a single word about the book, compelling visuals can help users connect with the audience and make a strong impression. As a graphic designer, users want their cover to reveal just enough to pique the reader's interest and capture the story within, without revealing too much. The imagery users choose can be a great way to emotionally connect the reader with the book.

3.     Plan the Layout

First, plan out the cover layout. If you're unsure, ask your client or consult books that are already on the market to find out what the industry standard is. Make sure the text you receive is provided without any hard formatting; otherwise, users may end up spending a lot of time removing italics, bold, and so on. Text that is overly formatted distracts readers and creates an unpleasant experience for them.

4.     Use Colors to draw Attention

The colors users choose for their cover should help to set the tone and convey the message you want to convey. Colors that are diagonally opposite each other on the color wheel tend to complement each other well.
Analogous colors, as well as dark and light tints next to each other on the color wheel, have this effect. Because these colors complement each other, many bestselling book covers feature a blue and orange design, or black, white, and redone.
Warm colors are boosting, a synonym for energy, according to psychology, whereas cold colors are composed and better represent calmness. It is critical to conduct research before deciding on a color scheme for your book cover because readability is an important factor in any design.
The color scheme should be legible and pleasing to the eye. Neutral colors such as black, white, and grey can assist us in balancing the design. Color theory can undoubtedly aid in balancing all aspects.

5.     Use a Central Image in story

If the story contains a recurring symbol or image, find a unique way to incorporate it into the cover design. Whatever imagery users believe is solemn enough to start making it into the pages will be meaningful enough to entice the front of the book cover.
People are drawn into the story users created from a blank page and a creative idea because of the book cover design. It is most likely the image that the buyers will associate with the story of the book.

6.     Contrast creates striking covers

Contrast is the emphasizing of differences between elements in a design in order to create focus and grab attention. Contrast aids in the organization of information and the clarity of the message. If you're having trouble coming up with a contrast scheme, consider going back to black and white.
A simple, classic contrast makes a cover stand out and is both timeless and classic. Monochromatic color schemes might be an excellent way to keep the fonts and words at the forefront of the reader's mind while the image becomes part of the framework.

Website Images

When it comes to websites, images are important because their purpose is to draw the visitor's attention. They have the ability to convey complex messages in the blink of an eye. Relevant images, rather than "filler" images that only serve to look pretty, improve the user experience. They deliver a contextual message that satisfies the informational need. Images are used for a variety of purposes on the Internet, including website enhancement, story illustration, ad displays, product, or service presentation, as stand-alone “a picture is worth a thousand words” meaning-rich tools, and, of course, social media.


Because billboard design is a visual medium, the next step is to figure out how to tell that story through images and text. When creating a design, you'll want to be very strategic. To easily draw attention to your billboard, use bright colors or a bold image in the design. Contrasting colors within the design will also have a greater impact, which will aid in the retention of the message.

However, in order for the image to be effective, keep the background simple so that the foreground does not compete for attention. And limit yourself to one large image or photo. That single dynamic image will have far more visual impact than a slew of images that each take up a quarter of the layout.


There are 4 Types of Advertisements:

            1. Display Advertising

Display advertising, also known as “banner,” advertising, is a type of advertising that consists of small digital billboards or banners placed in and around blog posts, keyword-based pages, websites, and many more.

Banner ads are the most common type of display advertising because they stand out on any webpage. They're named after their banner-like shape. They are nothing more than hyperlinked, image-based ads in the shape of a strip. They are typically placed at the top of a webpage to catch the user's attention right away.

Display ads can be static images or animated videos. They typically take the form of horizontal banners at the top of a page or vertical banners in the middle of a page.

Display ads are excellent for telling a quick visual story while showcasing brand identity. They are typically very visual with little text and are best suited for health and wellness products that do not require an extensive disclaimer in the ad.

One of the most important aspects of display advertising is its ability to target specific segments of the audience based on parameters set by the advertiser. The display advertising targeting feature helps to ensure that the ad reaches the right audience and that your ad spend isn't squandered on a demographic that isn't interested in your product/service.

2. Video Advertising

Video ads are one of the most popular types of advertising in today's digital marketing environment, and it's easy to see why. Video advertisements are eye-catching, entertaining, and excellent for trying to convince a complex story that a display ad cannot. The primary ways in which advertisers will use video ads are instream video ads and out stream video ads.

Instream video is the placement of video ads in the middle, pre-roll, or post-roll of a video that the consumer is already watching. The ad will be related to the objectives that the consumer is already viewing.

An out-stream video ad is one that is embedded in an article or blog post. If you are a medical brand, video ads are an excellent way to share your mission or product with a large audience.

Out stream video ads are further classified as follows:

-         In-page ads: Display video ads within content using a dedicated video player.

-         In-banner ads: Convert the existing ad units (dedicated to banners) to display video ads as well.

-         In-text ads: These are designed to appear after a certain amount of user engagement, such as a 50% scroll and hover over a specific part of the page.

3. Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is quickly becoming the new norm as more people than ever before consume online content via mobile devices. Simply put, mobile advertising is advertising that is optimized for mobile consumption. Mobile ads cover a wide range of topics and can include video, app, display, search, or social ads.

Being available to the community can be a low-cost way to reach out to new customers. At a low cost, you can reach a global audience. Many customers conduct online research before deciding who to buy from.

Customers may be attracted to buy from you if the website is well-designed. Users can promote your brand online in a variety of ways, including paid advertising and improving your ranking in search engines.

Mobile ads strive to provide higher-quality advertising engagement for their users by combining effective identification with inspiring formats to provide relevant and personalized content. As a result, the user spends a little more time with the brand, increasing overall engagement time.

4. Native Advertising

This type of advertising is simply infographic content that is embedded in another piece of information. They are classified as “non-disruptive” ads and typically take the form of sponsored content. These ad campaigns will blend in with the style and flow of the content they appear in without being intrusive or disruptive.

Pop-up ads and auto play videos, for example, are considered disruptive and can often have a negative impact on a company's potential customer base. Native ads, on the other hand, are “slipped” into content in a non-disruptive and appealing manner. They can take the form of blog posts, videos, photos, and so on.

Native advertisements are designed to match the look, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear. It means they blend in with the website content and appear to be part of the editorial flow of the page. Native ads are distinguished by the fact that they are non-disruptive to the reader and thus attract more user attention.
