Wireframe, Pages & User Interface

(The finished product will be on Task 3; these are just how the game will be designed according to the ideas created from the start to the end)

It starts off with the application logo to be seen. When the player clicks on the application after they have downloaded it, the player will see the title screen of the game in the before beginning.

After the user or player clicked the application, this title screen will appear. This the 1st page of the wireframe and how the game title screen will look like. It includes the title and buttons provided.

This is the 2nd page of the wireframe. This page will be the settings page. This page will appear when the settings button is clicked by the player.

This is the 3rd page of the wireframe. This page will be the Shop page, where players can purchase the items in the game.

This is the 4th page of the wireframe. This will be the Leaderboard page where the players can see what rank they are on after playing the game.

This is the 5th page of the wireframe. This page will be the Levels/Stages page where it shows the player or user the levels displayed that they have to play. The level starting of with level 1 until level 5. 

This is the 6th page of the wireframe. This is an important page where the player can see how the user interface and control button are displayed. Basically shows the player how to control or play the game. Simple buttons are showed on this page, such as there are 3 major control buttons for the player to touch on, and to control the character. 

This is the 7th page of the wireframe. This will be the paused page where the player clicked on the pause button from the 6th page and then this page will appear to the player.

This is the 9th and 10th page, the last pages of the wireframe. There are actually two of these because the first one will be the completed page where the player successfully finishes the game and winning it, while the second page is the failed page where the player unsuccessfully didn’t manage to complete the game and lose (also considered as game over).

Note: The two pages have differences when users look at the final product in Task 3
